In Praise Of... Kate Someville's DeliKate Recovery Cream


There are a couple reasons  I used to sideline products for sensitive skin.  Firstly, the formulas were rarely sophisticated.  Also I never considered my skin sensitive.   But things change. While I still wouldn’t categorise my skin as sensitive  per say,  it has had moments of feeling sensitive.  Raw, irritated, inflamed  and just ugh. It’s my fault for overdoing it -  over cleansing, over dosing ( on retinols and acids ) over layering.... (Yes I’m a beauty editor, yes I should know better and yes I do know better but hey this is what happens when trying beauty products is part of your job description) So yes, I realised ‘sensitive skincare’ is not just for people with sensitive skin. 

But you need stuff that works. DeliKate Recovery Cream is an SOS calming cream formulated with skin soothing peptides and essential ceramides to calm and soothe skin, restoring its protective barrier. Free from fragrances and formulated with Ginger root, green tea extracts and honey to further reduce irritation.  Oh and there’s the texture. Indulgent and creamy, it  makes you feel like you’re adding a protective blanket over your skin. So yeah, great stuff. If you're in the market for a moisturiser which helps restore the skin barrier and calms things down so your skin stops freaking out, here it is. 

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